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The working principle of the dielectric loss tester

      dielectric loss tester (Tan Delta Tester) is generally used in substations, power plants, workshops, laboratories, scientific research units and other environmental sites, the instrument is mainly for a variety of high-voltage power equipment dielectric loss tangent and capacitance measurement.


      The working principle of this instrument is that after starting the measurement, the high voltage set value will be sent to the variable frequency power supply, the frequency conversion power supply uses the PID algorithm to adjust the output slowly to the set value, and the measurement circuit sends the measured high voltage to the variable frequency power supply, fine-tune the low voltage, and achieve accurate high voltage output.

     According to the forward and reverse wiring settings, the measurement circuit will automatically select the input and switch the range according to the test current, the measurement circuit uses Fourier transform to filter out interference, separate the signal fundamental, perform vector operation on the standard current and sample current, calculate the capacitance of the amplitude, and calculate the angular difference.


     Multiple measurements are repeated and the intermediate value is selected from the measurement result data. After the measurement, the measurement circuit issues a step-down command to slowly step down the conversion power supply to 0.


     The JYC dielectric loss tester (tan delta tester) is widely used in the power industry for the dielectric loss measurement of transformers, transformers, bushings, capacitors, lightning arresters and other equipment. This instrument has strong anti-interference, fast test speed and high precision; Fully automatic digitalization, easy to operate; Automatic filtering out of 50Hz interference, suitable for field testing with large electromagnetic interference such as substations.