I、Overview: Recent years, many substations due to lightning strikes formed expansion accidents, most of them are related to the ground grid grounding resistance is unqualified, the grounding grid plays the role of working grounding and protective grounding, when the grounding resistance is too large: When a ground fault occurs, the neutral point voltage offset increases, which may make the sound phase and neutral point voltage too high, exceeding the level of insulation requirements and causing equipment damage. In the lightning strike or lightning wave attack, due to the large current, a high residual voltage will be generated, so that the nearby equipment is threatened by counterattack, and the lightning resistance level of the live conductor of the grounding network itself protection equipment (overhead transmission lines and substation electrical equipment) is reduced, and the equipment is damaged if it does not meet the design requirements. At the same time, whether the grounding resistance of the grounding system is qualified is directly related to the personal safety of substation operators and substation maintenance personnel; However, due to the corrosive effect of the soil on the grounding device, with the extension of the operating time, the grounding device has corroded, which affects the safe operation of the substation; Therefore, the regular monitoring of the grounding resistance of the ground grid must be greatly strengthened; The measurement of the grounding resistance of the ground grid of the substation during operation is due to the interference of the current flowing into the ground grid of the system and the interference between the test leads, which causes a large error in the test results. In particular, the grounding resistance of large grounding grid is very small (generally below 0.5Ω), even slight interference will have a great impact on the test results; if the grounding resistance test of the ground grid is not accurate, not only damage the equipment, but also cause unnecessary losses such as ground grid faulty transformation, combined with my research on grounding resistance test methods of grounding grid, it is summarized as follows:
II、Grounding resistance test principle and method test the grounding impedance of the grounding device when the current pole should be arranged as far as possible, usually the distance dcG between the current pole and the edge of the grounding device under test should be 4~5 times of the length D of the large diagonal of the grounding device under test (parallel wiring method), in the area of uniform soil resistivity can be taken 2 times and above (triangle wiring method), the length of the voltage lead is 0.618 times the length of the current lead (flat wiring method) or equal to the current line (triangle wiring method).
1. The grounding impedance of the potential drop test grounding device is arranged according to Figure 1 and meets the requirements of the layout of the test circuit.measurement current line (its length is taken from 4~5 times the diagonal length of the ground network);
III、Test precautions and significance The characteristic parameters of the large grid earthing resistance testerare mostly closely related to the moisture degree of the soil, so the condition assessment and acceptance test of the grounding device should be carried out as much as possible in the dry season and when the soil is not frozen, and should not be carried out immediately after thunder, rain, snow or rain and snow. Through actual measurement, it provides us with a stable basis for rectification. For the grounding condition of the grounding network of the substation, a rectification and optimization plan is proposed to make the grounding resistance of the grounding grid meet the requirements, so as to effectively prevent the step voltage caused by the insulation damage of the equipment from causing personal injury or further damage to the equipment. It plays a role in ensuring the safe operation of electrical equipment and creating a safe and stable working environment for substation staff.
JYD Grounding Down Wire Continuity Tester (large grid earthing resistance tester) (10A)
Using advanced power supply technology, it is a highly automated portable tester used to measure the on-resistance value between the grounding down-conductors of various power equipment in the substation.